Thursday, June 17, 2010

Buying Clothes From Yard Sales or Thrift Stores

I am not above buying clothes from yard sales or thrift stores if they are in really good condition. It is much more budget friendly than buying new most of the time. I recently went to a local thrift store and bought a few items including the dress pictured to the left. My daughter loves to dress like a princess. She found this dress and couldn't be talked out of it. It had some light yellow stains down the front and I tried to convince her to get something else. She is a very stubborn child and wouldn't change her mind, so I bought it for her to play in. I took it home, put some laundry stain remover on it and washed it. The yellow spots actually came out! This leads me to the purpose of this post. When you are buying from thrift stores or yard sales, you don't know if the clothes are actually clean or not. I never try used clothes on. I just take my chances and hope they fit. I look for the right size and hope for the best. I found a pair of denim capris at my last visit to the thrift store that were new with the manufacturer's tags still on them. I still didn't try them on. I don't know where they've been. All secondhand clothing that I buy is washed before I will try them on or allow my kids to try them on. If I do get the wrong size, I just give the item back to the thrift store. It's for a good cause anyway. Most of the time they do fit.

1 comment:

  1. Do you use color safe bleach? Or is washing with detergent enough?
