Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's The Best Way To Clean Silverware And Dishes?

I'm embarrassed to admit this as a germophobe, but this is a picture of the scrubber that I've been using to clean off my dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. It is badly in need of replacing but I just keep forgetting to get one when I'm at the store. Maybe now that I'm embarrasing myself, I'll actually remember. I'm not that worried about it because the dishwasher sanitizes everything anyway. I don't use the nasty thing for any other purpose.

For dishes that have to be washed by hand or don't fit in the dishwasher, my personal preference is a plain old dishrag because they are easily sanitized in the washing machine. I get a new one out every day and never leave it wadded up and wet. I also use a dishrag to wipe the table and counters. It's more sanitary than using a sponge. I use some type of sanitizing wipe to clean up after things like raw meat.

I have never cared for dishwands because I find them awkward to use and they tend to leak all over. It's a matter of personal preference though. It does have a sponge on the end but because it is always full of soap, it would seem to be safe. As a precaution, I would recommend removing the sponge, rinsing as much soap out as possible and putting it in the microwave (wet) for about 1 to 2 minutes. The heat will kill any bacteria that might be lurking in the sponge. Be careful removing it from the microwave. It will be hot!!

Sponges are okay, like my nasty scrubber above for rinsing dishes off to put in the dishwasher. I do not recommend using them to wipe any surfaces. If you absolutely prefer to use a sponge, sanitize it by putting it in the microwave (wet) for 1 to 2 minutes to kill any germs growing in it. Be careful taking it out as it will be very hot! It can also be sanitized in the dishwasher but it grosses me out to have it next to the dishes (even if it is sanitized).

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